Friday, May 25, 2007

Explore the Patriot Quotes Below...

...but this blog is static and not being updated, except for one final update and clarification:

I stopped participating in Minuteman groups as of October 2005--not because of the potentially dangerous situation described below, but because of hints of white supremacist thinking among a few of the members, which I didn't want to be anywhere near. I don't believe that element has ever been more than a tiny fraction of Minutemen, and I still support the goal of controlling the border first, before addressing immigration reform, but the constant in-fighting among egos in these various groups has never ceased and I've decided to focus my efforts on reaching out to new immigrants (legal or not), trying to communicate why it is so important for everyone to preserve American culture--particularly the God-fearing gun culture which guarantees our freedom.

I still blog on "guns and the right to life" at


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